It’s been a few years since 2B started studying consumer empowerment and assisting companies in embracing an authentic consumer centricity thanks to specific tools that allow them to captivate their consumers in an active and participative way and thus obtain a meaningful and engaging research output.

we have developed a specific approach that, by means of smartphones, can engage consumers in a direct and straightforward way, capturing their world in real time. This is an amazing opportunity research-wise: collected data can be suitable for in-depth analytical interpretation but seems to be closely related to the consumers’ world at the same time. Every project is matched with a tailor-made dashboard that allows for real time usage of the information gathered.

Digital empowerment:
we combine traditional research tools (discussion groups and in-depth individual interviews) with a digital approach that makes the selected method more accurate and coherent with our own way of conveying a message. This combination can occur either before said discussion groups and interviews have taken place or at the same time (montage, collection of pictures, pre-task or post-task activities using Whatsapp messenger or other social media platforms, Instragram stores etc.) and its purpose is to improve the spontaneity and significance of the responses gathered.

Consumer connection:
we devise tailor-made programmes for companies that are willing to take up an usercentricity approach that involves direct contact with the consumers. Consumer connections can be achieved in the traditonal way or by digital means; 2B trains the “interviewers”, collects the output of their fieldwork and makes it readily available (group debrief sessions, even focusing on specific themes that could steer the connection in a certain direction, online platforms collecting fieldwork gathered by colleagues, etc.)

Design thinking:
we help companies (re-)focus on putting consumers’ needs at the top of their agenda by means of workshops, labs, hackathons or the design thinking approach. Thanks to various tools such as empathy maps or force field analyses, design thinking is instrumental in channelling ideas, strategies and innovations towards synergistic solutions that aim to nurture the relationship with the consumers and achieve their full satisfaction (not simply relating to the product but the overall experience as well)

UGC Research:
by working alongside a highly-qualified partner and our clients, we design tailor-made contests whose main goal is to gather information on the product usage and experience from current and potential users in a spontaneous way. Contests and competitions can not only be aimed at creating new databases but also at collecting crucial exploratory information on current and potential targets. Ultimately, by means of these contests, we are able to elicit the making of User Generated Content, which can then be analysed using a qualitative/quantitative approach.